| IRX_ID ("Sound_Device_Library", 3, 3) |
static int | GetEEA (int core) |
static void | InitSpu2_Inner (void) |
static void | libsd_do_busyloop (int count) |
static u32 | DmaStartStop (int mainarg, void *vararg2, u32 vararg3) |
static u32 | VoiceTrans_Write_IOMode (const u16 *iopaddr, u32 size, int core) |
static u32 | BlockTransWriteFrom (u8 *iopaddr, u32 size, int core, int mode, u8 *startaddr) |
static u32 | BlockTransRead (u8 *iopaddr, u32 size, int core, u16 mode) |
static void | reset_vars (void) |
static const u32 g_ClearEffectData[256] | __attribute__ ((__aligned__(16))) |
int | _start (int ac, char **av) |
static void | SetEffectRegisterPair (spu2_u16pair_t *pair, u32 val) |
static void | SetEffectData (int core, const struct mode_data_struct *mode_data) |
int | sceSdClearEffectWorkArea (int core, int channel, int effect_mode) |
static int | CleanHandler (int core) |
int | sceSdCleanEffectWorkArea (int core, int channel, int effect_mode) |
void | sceSdGetEffectAttr (int core, sceSdEffectAttr *attr) |
int | sceSdSetEffectAttr (int core, const sceSdEffectAttr *attr) |
int | sceSdSetEffectMode (int core, const sceSdEffectAttr *param) |
int | sceSdSetEffectModeParams (int core, const sceSdEffectAttr *attr) |
static void | InitSpu2 (void) |
static void | InitCoreVolume (int flag) |
int | sceSdVoiceTrans (s16 chan, u16 mode, u8 *iopaddr, u32 *spuaddr, u32 size) |
u32 | sceSdVoiceTransStatus (s16 channel, s16 flag) |
int | sceSdStopTrans (int channel) |
int | sceSdBlockTrans (s16 chan, u16 mode, u8 *iopaddr, u32 size,...) |
u32 | sceSdBlockTransStatus (s16 channel, s16 flag) |
static int | InitSpdif () |
static void | SetDmaWrite (int chan) |
static void | SetDmaRead (int chan) |
static void | __attribute__ ((optimize("no-unroll-loops"))) |
static void | do_finish_block_clean_xfer (int core) |
static int | TransInterrupt (IntrData *intr) |
static int | SifDmaBatch (void *ee_addr, void *iop_addr, int size) |
int | sceSdProcBatch (const sceSdBatch *batch, u32 *rets, u32 num) |
int | sceSdProcBatchEx (const sceSdBatch *batch, u32 *rets, u32 num, u32 voice) |
void | sceSdSetParam (u16 entry, u16 value) |
u16 | sceSdGetParam (u16 entry) |
void | sceSdSetSwitch (u16 entry, u32 value) |
u32 | sceSdGetSwitch (u16 entry) |
void | sceSdSetAddr (u16 entry, u32 value) |
u32 | sceSdGetAddr (u16 entry) |
u16 | sceSdNote2Pitch (u16 center_note, u16 center_fine, u16 note, s16 fine) |
u16 | sceSdPitch2Note (u16 center_note, u16 center_fine, u16 pitch) |
static int | SetSpdifMode (int val) |
void | sceSdSetCoreAttr (u16 entry, u16 value) |
u16 | sceSdGetCoreAttr (u16 entry) |
SdIntrCallback | sceSdSetTransCallback (s32 core, SdIntrCallback cb) |
sceSdTransIntrHandler | sceSdSetTransIntrHandler (int channel, sceSdTransIntrHandler func, void *arg) |
void * | sceSdGetTransIntrHandlerArgument (int arg) |
SdIntrCallback | sceSdSetIRQCallback (SdIntrCallback cb) |
sceSdSpu2IntrHandler | sceSdSetSpu2IntrHandler (sceSdSpu2IntrHandler func, void *arg) |
void * | sceSdGetSpu2IntrHandlerArgument () |
static int | Spu2Interrupt (void *data) |
static int | InitVoices (void) |
static int | Reset (int flag) |
int | sceSdInit (int flag) |
int | sceSdQuit () |
Part of the IOP Sound Driver
Definition in file libsd.c.